The imprint of a dream
On black-and-white photographs, from the cycle of Otisak sna, Marinković is playing creatively with a utilitarian object, a pillow. The pillow puts it in the service of its inventive fantasies, revealing the baroque richness of the shape that suddenly came from this simple, crumpled, amorphous object. The eye of camera walk around the pillow and shoot it from different angles, in order to capture an unusual form that spikes the imagination of an association, most often erotic. Dusan Pillow is a place for dreams and secrets.
On some of the photos in this cycle, every trace of concrete was deleted and touched by the abstraction. And dreams can be abstract. By virtually changing forms on compositions, their soft protrusions and gaps, hillocks, hills and gradients, slopes and shadows, the surfaces and shapes of gray tones, ethereal as fog, and somewhat darker to black sinks, entering into the photo or the disorder of subconsciousness, and certainly a kind of expression. Realistically, it becomes superficial, figuratively faces an abstract, in order to merge everything in a composite unity.
Marinković continues to experiment, moving further along the enchanted areas of the dreamer. The way of photo collage he is cluing the photos of the pillow with fragments of a blue, ink wash drawing. Combined by the cohesion of imagination, both in the symbiosis, the magic and poetics of the scene are enhanced. A large blue eye looks at us from black and white wrinkles. Everything in here is from matterie of dreams, surreal.
And then, the artist decided to enter the space from the photograph and bring his “dreamy pillow” into it. Through the large pillow “dunja”, which is located in the gallery space, the projector emits watercolor sprayed phantasmagoric visions, which is mixed on the pillow with swingy shadows of the exhibition’s visitors. Viewers get the rhythm of their movements and breathe Marinković’s dream pillow.
Life would have been boring when it came down only to a banal everyday life, concealed convention of reason, lost the mysteries of sleep and alchemy of the spirit. Then there would be no poetry and imagination, for the essential ingredients of art. Dusan Marinkovic knows this and turns his dreams into his creative games.
Jasmina Tutorov
Project called „The imprint of a dream“ contains 27 photographs (one of pieces is in the form of diptych). Main object of the frames is a pillow, stuffed with goose eiderdown. The series contains photographs of a pillow without intervention, with intervention – where they are treated with associative forms of drawings in blue ink, and photographs showing a pillow with the presence of a human (model), who creates prints. In an unconscious act, as a dream is, a man is touching the sphere of abstraction and that is materially reflected in the form of traces on the pillow – patterns, cracks, dents, shadows, blemishes… Also, there is a treatment of the pillow as a comparison with graphic carriers such are plates, paper or felt, where the prints of dream occurre in traces formed by a dream in a haze. The forms that are obtained on a pillow strongly suggest restlessness, eroticism, horror, drama and persecution of the subconscious, and are presented in the form of games of monochromy tones – gray, white and black shades. Goal of this project is to show, through photographs, the materialization the thin line between the real and surreal, during the haze of sleep, using the utilitarian case such as the pillow. This series of photographs is followed by an instalation, which shows a larger pillow, stuffed with eiderdown, on which the video is projected, with the shadows that form the visitors bodies in mottion. The series can be presented without the installation.
Optimal sizes: 90×60 cm or 60×40 cm, in the form of photography or foam base. This project was made by combination of analog and digital camera.