“Making Cultural Heritage Available” is a conceptual project that was funded by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia in 2010, 2011 and 2012. The project’s aim is mapping, photographing and collecting old photographic material from the archives which are related to the immovable cultural property, specifically industrial architectural objects. A paper for obtaining the title senior curator, called Mills in the Central Banat from the Beginning of the 19th Century to 1941, was written by Dušan Marinković, and is based on the photographs collected in this project. Cycle of the photographic documentation is including mills, such as horse-powered mills, windmills and industrial steam mills in the Central Banat to 1941. Photographs documented 40 locations situated in the Municipality of Zrenjanin. The current condition of the buildings (exterior, interior, or where these objects once stood), are documented in 60 photographs. In addition to showing the current state of the objects, project has obtained 40 old archival photos of mill facilities. Within the project, maps made in 1793, 1896 and 1930 were displayed, which are clearly showing where these objects were and how they get replaced each other due to the industrial development.